How to Start Investment Real Estate Analysis Video Library

These investment real estate analysis videos that show "How to Start" and understand planEASe are also availible from within the planEASe Software using the "How to Start" menu item.

planEASe Commercial
Sale Leaseback
  • Investment Base
  • Stay and Continue to Own
  • Sell and Leaseback
  • Compare
  • Finding Investment Base
Lease vs Buy
Apartments - Self Storage
Retail - Office - Industrial
Build To Suit
Development Commercial
Development Unit Sales
Tenant Representation
Owner Representation
Simple Single Tenant
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EzEntry Overview

Video Title: Sale Leaseback Overview

  • *video duration: 0:30 minutes
  • direct link to this video:https://www.planease.com/investment-real-estate-analysis-video-training.aspx?1=SaleLeaseback
  • video note: Real Estate Investment Sale Leaseback Analysis determines whether the current owner should sell and leaseback. The method is to create two alternative analyses. The first analysis shows the costs if the owner decides to stay in the property for some number of years and then sell. The second analysis shows the profit of selling the property now and the subsequent (lease) costs of remaining in the property over the same time frame. The two alternative analyses are then compared using the NPV either before or after tax.