Annual Property Operating Data
Los Amigos Apartments

The APOD is a very useful snapshot of the status of a property investment as of the projected Acquisition Date, showing most of the information relevant to the investment, absent any projections of performance.

Purpose Broker's Recap
Name Los Amigos Apartments
Location 1000 Mayfair Avenue
Property Type Apartment Complex
Date 17 July 2010
Units 42
Price $1,550,000
 -Loans 1,240,000
Down Payment 310,000
 +Acq Costs 15,500
 +Loan Points 18,600
Investment 344,100

  $/Unit % of GI Annual $
Gross Income      
  1 Bedroom Units (10 units) $3,936 19.6% $39,360
  2 Bedroom Units (32 units) 4,920 78.6% 157,440
  Laundry 86 1.8% 3,600
Total Gross Income $4,771 100.0% $200,400
  - Vacancy & Credit Loss 239 5.0% 10,020
Effective Income $4,533 95.0% $190,380
Less: Operating Expenses      
  Property Taxes 443 9.3% 18,600
  Insurance 71 1.5% 3,000
  Pool 29 0.6% 1,200
  Gardener 18 0.4% 750
  Utilities 114 2.4% 4,800
  Resident Manager 238 5.0% 10,000
  Maintenance 76 1.6% 3,200
  Reserve 76 1.6% 3,200
  Miscellaneous 29 0.6% 1,200
  Management Fee 227 4.8% 9,519
Total Operating Expenses $1,321 27.7% $55,469
Net Operating Income $3,212 67.3% $134,911
 Less: Debt Service 3,109 65.2% 130,583
Net Operating Cash Flow $103 2.2% $4,328

Capitalization Rate 8.70%
Gross Income Multiplier 7.73
Cash on Cash 1.26%
Debt Coverage Ratio 1.033
Price/Unit $36,905


Use of Gross Income at Acquisition ($/yr)
Los Amigos Apartments


Use of Effective Income at Acquisition ($/yr)
Los Amigos Apartments


Property Acquisition Report
Los Amigos Apartments

This report shows the projected cash requirement for acquisition of the Los Amigos Apartments on 1 January 2001.

Cost of Property Acquired      
Price of Property $1,550,000    
  + Closing Costs (1%) 15,500    
Total Cost of Property Acquired     $1,565,500
Property Financing      
Bank of America Loan Principal $1,240,000    
  - Points (1.5 Points) 18,600    
Bank of America Loan Proceeds   $1,221,400  
Total Net Loan Proceeds     1,221,400
Cash Required at Acquisition     $344,100


Proforma Income Statement
Los Amigos Apartments

This Statement is for the Los Amigos Apartments as acquired on 1 January 2001 for a Price of $1,550,000, subject to a Loan of $1,240,000, for a Down Payment of $310,000.

These reports can be prepared either before or after tax. They combine the Basic and Detail Analysis report information into a very readable format familiar to real estate professionals and accountants. Further, the reports offer information not shown in the Basic and Detail Analysis Reports, such as Ratio Analysis, projected Sale Proceeds by year, and Return and NPV measures by year, as well as a Common Size Statement and a Dollars/Square Foot or Dollars/Unit Statement.

  2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010
Gross Income                    
  1 Bedroom Units $39,360 $41,328 $43,394 $45,564 $47,842 $50,234 $52,746 $55,383 $58,153 $61,060
  2 Bedroom Units 157,440 165,312 173,578 182,256 191,369 200,938 210,985 221,534 232,611 244,241
  Laundry 3,600 3,780 3,969 4,167 4,376 4,595 4,824 5,066 5,319 5,585
Total Gross Income $200,400 $210,420 $220,941 $231,988 $243,587 $255,767 $268,555 $281,983 $296,082 $310,886
  Less: Vacancy & Credit Loss 10,020 10,521 11,047 11,599 12,179 12,788 13,428 14,099 14,804 15,544
Effective Income $190,380 $199,899 $209,894 $220,389 $231,408 $242,978 $255,127 $267,884 $281,278 $295,342
  Less: Operating Expenses                    
  Property Taxes 18,600 18,972 19,351 19,738 20,133 20,536 20,947 21,366 21,793 22,229
  Insurance 3,000 3,150 3,308 3,473 3,647 3,829 4,020 4,221 4,432 4,654
  Pool 1,200 1,260 1,323 1,389 1,459 1,532 1,608 1,689 1,773 1,862
  Gardener 750 788 827 868 912 957 1,005 1,055 1,108 1,163
  Utilities 4,800 5,136 5,496 5,880 6,292 6,732 7,204 7,708 8,247 8,825
  Resident Manager 10,000 10,500 11,025 11,576 12,155 12,763 13,401 14,071 14,775 15,513
  Maintenance 3,200 3,360 3,528 3,704 3,890 4,084 4,288 4,503 4,728 4,964
  Reserve 3,200 3,360 3,528 3,704 3,890 4,084 4,288 4,503 4,728 4,964
  Miscellaneous 1,200 1,260 1,323 1,389 1,459 1,532 1,608 1,689 1,773 1,862
  Management Fee 9,519 9,995 10,495 11,019 11,570 12,149 12,756 13,394 14,064 14,767
Total Operating Expenses $55,469 $57,780 $60,203 $62,743 $65,405 $68,197 $71,126 $74,198 $77,421 $80,803
Net Operating Income $134,911 $142,119 $149,691 $157,646 $166,003 $174,781 $184,002 $193,686 $203,857 $214,539
  Less: Debt Service 130,583 130,583 130,583 130,583 130,583 130,583 130,583 130,583 130,583 130,583
Net Operating Cash Flow $4,328 $11,536 $19,108 $27,063 $35,420 $44,199 $53,419 $63,103 $73,275 $83,956
Taxable Income and Taxes                    
  (Losses Carried Forward)                    
Taxable Revenues $190,380 $199,899 $209,894 $220,389 $231,408 $242,978 $255,127 $267,884 $281,278 $295,342
  Less: Deducted Expenses 55,469 57,780 60,203 62,743 65,405 68,197 71,126 74,198 77,421 80,803
  Less: Interest Expense 123,690 122,968 122,171 121,290 120,317 119,242 118,054 116,742 115,293 113,692
  Less: Amortized Points 620 620 620 620 620 620 620 620 620 620
  Less: Depreciation 44,833 46,782 46,782 46,782 46,782 46,782 46,782 46,782 46,782 44,833
Ordinary Income ($34,231) ($28,251) ($19,882) ($11,045) ($1,716) $8,138 $18,546 $29,542 $41,163 $55,394
Taxable Income 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2,263 55,394
(Cum Suspended Losses) 34,231 62,483 82,364 93,410 95,125 86,987 68,442 38,899 0 0
Taxes Due (- = Savings) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 702 17,172
Cash Flow After Tax $4,328 $11,536 $19,108 $27,063 $35,420 $44,199 $53,419 $63,103 $72,573 $66,784
Sale Proceeds:                    
Sale Value $1,349,100 $1,421,200 $1,496,900 $1,576,500 $1,660,000 $1,747,800 $1,840,000 $1,936,900 $2,038,600 $2,145,400
  Less: Sale Costs (7%) 94,437 99,484 104,783 110,355 116,200 122,346 128,800 135,583 142,702 150,178
  Less: Loan Repayment 1,233,107 1,225,492 1,217,080 1,207,787 1,197,521 1,186,180 1,173,652 1,159,811 1,144,522 1,127,631
Sale Proceeds Before Tax 21,556 96,224 175,037 258,358 346,279 439,274 537,548 641,506 751,376 867,591
  Less: Taxes due to Sale (67,741) (48,312) (28,660) (6,515) 23,979 58,314 92,314 128,134 166,328 198,080
Sale Proceeds After Tax 89,297 144,536 203,696 264,872 322,300 380,959 445,234 513,372 585,048 669,511
Ratio Analysis:                    
Profitability Ratios                    
  Capitalization Rate 8.70% 9.17% 9.66% 10.17% 10.71% 11.28% 11.87% 12.50% 13.15% 13.84%
  Cash on Cash Before Tax 1.26% 3.35% 5.55% 7.86% 10.29% 12.84% 15.52% 18.34% 21.29% 24.40%
  Cash on Cash After Tax 1.26% 3.35% 5.55% 7.86% 10.29% 12.84% 15.52% 18.34% 21.09% 19.41%
Risk Ratios                    
  Debt Coverage Ratio 1.033 1.088 1.146 1.207 1.271 1.338 1.409 1.483 1.561 1.643
  Breakeven Occupancy 92.8% 89.5% 86.4% 83.3% 80.5% 77.7% 75.1% 72.6% 70.3% 68.0%
  Loan Balance/Property Value 91.4% 86.2% 81.3% 76.6% 72.1% 67.9% 63.8% 59.9% 56.1% 52.6%
Assumption Ratios                    
  NOI/Property Value 10.00% 10.00% 10.00% 10.00% 10.00% 10.00% 10.00% 10.00% 10.00% 10.00%
  Gross Income Multiple 6.73 6.75 6.78 6.80 6.81 6.83 6.85 6.87 6.89 6.90
  Operating Expense Ratio 27.7% 27.5% 27.2% 27.0% 26.9% 26.7% 26.5% 26.3% 26.1% 26.0%
Analysis Measures:                    
  IRR Before Debt   1.2% 5.9% 8.3% 9.7% 10.7% 11.4% 11.9% 12.4% 12.7%
  IRR Before Tax         5.7% 10.1% 12.9% 14.7% 15.9% 16.7%
  IRR After Tax         4.4% 8.1% 10.6% 12.4% 13.7% 14.6%


Common Size Income Statement
Los Amigos Apartments

This Statement is for the Los Amigos Apartments as acquired on 1 January 2001 for a Price of $1,550,000, subject to a Loan of $1,240,000, for a Down Payment of $310,000.

  2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010
Gross Income                    
  1 Bedroom Units 19.6% 19.6% 19.6% 19.6% 19.6% 19.6% 19.6% 19.6% 19.6% 19.6%
  2 Bedroom Units 78.6% 78.6% 78.6% 78.6% 78.6% 78.6% 78.6% 78.6% 78.6% 78.6%
  Laundry 1.8% 1.8% 1.8% 1.8% 1.8% 1.8% 1.8% 1.8% 1.8% 1.8%
Total Gross Income 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%
  Less: Vacancy & Credit Loss 5.0% 5.0% 5.0% 5.0% 5.0% 5.0% 5.0% 5.0% 5.0% 5.0%
Effective Income 95.0% 95.0% 95.0% 95.0% 95.0% 95.0% 95.0% 95.0% 95.0% 95.0%
  Less: Operating Expenses                    
  Property Taxes 9.3% 9.0% 8.8% 8.5% 8.3% 8.0% 7.8% 7.6% 7.4% 7.2%
  Insurance 1.5% 1.5% 1.5% 1.5% 1.5% 1.5% 1.5% 1.5% 1.5% 1.5%
  Pool 0.6% 0.6% 0.6% 0.6% 0.6% 0.6% 0.6% 0.6% 0.6% 0.6%
  Gardener 0.4% 0.4% 0.4% 0.4% 0.4% 0.4% 0.4% 0.4% 0.4% 0.4%
  Utilities 2.4% 2.4% 2.5% 2.5% 2.6% 2.6% 2.7% 2.7% 2.8% 2.8%
  Resident Manager 5.0% 5.0% 5.0% 5.0% 5.0% 5.0% 5.0% 5.0% 5.0% 5.0%
  Maintenance 1.6% 1.6% 1.6% 1.6% 1.6% 1.6% 1.6% 1.6% 1.6% 1.6%
  Reserve 1.6% 1.6% 1.6% 1.6% 1.6% 1.6% 1.6% 1.6% 1.6% 1.6%
  Miscellaneous 0.6% 0.6% 0.6% 0.6% 0.6% 0.6% 0.6% 0.6% 0.6% 0.6%
  Management Fee 4.8% 4.8% 4.8% 4.8% 4.8% 4.8% 4.8% 4.8% 4.8% 4.8%
Total Operating Expenses 27.7% 27.5% 27.2% 27.0% 26.9% 26.7% 26.5% 26.3% 26.1% 26.0%
Net Operating Income 67.3% 67.5% 67.8% 68.0% 68.1% 68.3% 68.5% 68.7% 68.9% 69.0%
  Less: Debt Service 65.2% 62.1% 59.1% 56.3% 53.6% 51.1% 48.6% 46.3% 44.1% 42.0%
Net Operating Cash Flow 2.2% 5.5% 8.6% 11.7% 14.5% 17.3% 19.9% 22.4% 24.7% 27.0%


Dollars/Unit Income Statement
Los Amigos Apartments

This Statement is for the Los Amigos Apartments as acquired on 1 January 2001 for a Price of $1,550,000, subject to a Loan of $1,240,000, for a Down Payment of $310,000.

  2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010
Gross Income                    
  1 Bedroom Units (10 units) $3,936 $4,133 $4,339 $4,556 $4,784 $5,023 $5,275 $5,538 $5,815 $6,106
  2 Bedroom Units (32 units) 4,920 5,166 5,424 5,696 5,980 6,279 6,593 6,923 7,269 7,633
  Laundry 86 90 95 99 104 109 115 121 127 133
Total Gross Income $4,771 $5,010 $5,261 $5,524 $5,800 $6,090 $6,394 $6,714 $7,050 $7,402
  Less: Vacancy & Credit Loss 239 251 263 276 290 304 320 336 352 370
Effective Income $4,533 $4,760 $4,997 $5,247 $5,510 $5,785 $6,074 $6,378 $6,697 $7,032
  Less: Operating Expenses                    
  Property Taxes 443 452 461 470 479 489 499 509 519 529
  Insurance 71 75 79 83 87 91 96 101 106 111
  Pool 29 30 32 33 35 36 38 40 42 44
  Gardener 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 28
  Utilities 114 122 131 140 150 160 172 184 196 210
  Resident Manager 238 250 263 276 289 304 319 335 352 369
  Maintenance 76 80 84 88 93 97 102 107 113 118
  Reserve 76 80 84 88 93 97 102 107 113 118
  Miscellaneous 29 30 32 33 35 36 38 40 42 44
  Management Fee 227 238 250 262 275 289 304 319 335 352
Total Operating Expenses $1,321 $1,376 $1,433 $1,494 $1,557 $1,624 $1,693 $1,767 $1,843 $1,924
Net Operating Income $3,212 $3,384 $3,564 $3,753 $3,952 $4,161 $4,381 $4,612 $4,854 $5,108
  Less: Debt Service 3,109 3,109 3,109 3,109 3,109 3,109 3,109 3,109 3,109 3,109
Net Operating Cash Flow $103 $275 $455 $644 $843 $1,052 $1,272 $1,502 $1,745 $1,999


Gross Income Detail
Los Amigos Apartments

  2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010
1 Bedroom Units (10 units) 3,936.0 4,133.0 4,339.0 4,556.0 4,784.0 5,023.0 5,275.0 5,538.0 5,815.0 6,106.0
2 Bedroom Units (32 units) 4,920.0 5,166.0 5,424.0 5,696.0 5,980.0 6,279.0 6,593.0 6,923.0 7,269.0 7,633.0
Laundry 86.0 90.0 95.0 99.0 104.0 109.0 115.0 121.0 127.0 133.0


Cash on Cash After Tax
Los Amigos Apartments

Cash on Cash After Tax is Net Operating Cash Flow less Taxes Due divided by Initial Equity.

  2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010
Net Operating Cash Flow 4.3 11.5 19.1 27.1 35.4 44.2 53.4 63.1 73.3 84.0
Taxes Due (- = Savings) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.7 17.2


IRR After Tax
Los Amigos Apartments

Internal Rate of Return (IRR)
The Internal Rate of Return (IRR) of an investment is defined as the Present Value Discount Rate that makes the Net Present Value of the Investment equal to zero.

You may think of the IRR as the annual Interest Rate or Yield (compounded annually) that the investment is paying you over the Holding Period. Naturally, the higher the yield, the better the investment.

Unlike the ratios (current year only) the IRR takes into account all the before tax cash flows up to the time of calculation. For this reason the IRR is sometimes called the time value of money, because it not only takes into account the value but also the time necessary to create the value. In addition to the Cash Flow After Tax and the Sales Proceeds After Tax the initial equity is included in this measure.

  2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010
Cash Flow After Tax 4.3 11.5 19.1 27.1 35.4 44.2 53.4 63.1 72.6 66.8
Sale Proceeds After Tax 89.3 144.5 203.7 264.9 322.3 381.0 445.2 513.4 585.0 669.5


Property Sale Report
Los Amigos Apartments

This report shows the results of a projected sale of the Los Amigos Apartments on 31 December 2010. The Sale Price of $2,145,400 is projected by using a Net Capitalization Rate of 10% on the projected Net Operating Income of $214,540 in effect at that time, according to the analysis assumptions.

Analysis of Sale Proceeds      
Sale Price (as discussed above) $2,145,400    
  - Costs of Sale (7%) 150,178    
  - Loan Balances 1,127,631    
  - Prepayment Penalties 0    
Sale Proceeds Before Tax     $867,591
Analysis of Capital Gain Results      
Sale Price $2,145,400    
  - Capitalized Costs of Sale (100%) 150,178    
Net Sale Price for Tax Purposes   $1,995,222  
Property Basis at Acquisition $1,550,000    
  + Capitalized Closing Costs (100%) 15,500    
  + Capital Additions 0    
  - Depreciation Taken 463,920    
  + Excess Depreciation Recaptured 0    
Adjusted Basis at Sale   1,101,580  
Capital Gain (or Loss)   $893,642  
  - Suspended Passive Losses   0  
Net Capital Gain (or Loss)   $893,642  
  - Cost Recovery Recaptured   463,920  
Adjusted Net Capital Gain (or Loss)   $429,722  
Cost Recovery Recapture Tax (@ 25%)     (115,980)
Tax on Adjusted Net Capital Gain (@ 20%)     (85,944)
Expenses Recognized at Sale      
Expensed Costs of Sale 0    
  + Accrued Loan Interest 0    
  + Unamortized Points 12,400    
  + Prepayment Penalties 0    
  - Excess Depreciation Recaptured 0    
Total Expenses Recognized at Sale   12,400  
Tax Savings Due to Sale Expenses (@ 31%)     3,844
Net Taxable Income   $881,242  
After Tax Cash Proceeds of Sale     $669,511


Sale Proceeds After Tax
Los Amigos Apartments


Los Amigos Apartments
Acquisition Annual Gross Income Unit Rent Roll

Unit Description SF Units Ttl SF $/Year $/Unit $/SF
1 Bedroom Units 650 10 6,500 39,360 3,936 6.06
Unit Description SF Units Ttl SF $/Year $/Unit $/SF
2 Bedroom Units 750 32 24,000 157,440 4,920 6.56
Unit Description SF Units Ttl SF $/Year $/Unit $/SF
Laundry       3,600    
Unit Description SF Units Ttl SF $/Year $/Unit $/SF
Totals   42 30,500 200,400 4,771 6.57


Los Amigos Apartments
2010 Annual Gross Income Unit Rent Roll

Unit Description SF Units Ttl SF $/Year $/Unit $/SF
1 Bedroom Units 650 10 6,500 61,060 6,106 9.39
Unit Description SF Units Ttl SF $/Year $/Unit $/SF
2 Bedroom Units 750 32 24,000 244,241 7,633 10.18
Unit Description SF Units Ttl SF $/Year $/Unit $/SF
Laundry       5,585    
Unit Description SF Units Ttl SF $/Year $/Unit $/SF
Totals   42 30,500 310,886 7,402 10.19


Unit Distribution
Los Amigos Apartments


Sensitivity Analysis
Los Amigos Apartments

As you perform an analysis, planEASe measures the worth of the investment in terms of rates of return and net present values. Sensitivity Analysis allows you to investigate how these measures vary with a change in one of the assumptions. Any measure may be chosen for the Sensitivity Analysis, and any assumption may be chosen as well. Sensitivity Analysis provides a one page table and graph which describes the relationship between the assumption value and the resulting measure

Price of Property
Rate of Return After Tax

Assumption IRR
$1,450,000.00 18.0%
$1,460,000.00 17.7%
$1,470,000.00 17.3%
$1,480,000.00 17.0%
$1,490,000.00 16.7%
$1,500,000.00 16.3%
$1,510,000.00 15.9%
$1,520,000.00 15.6%
$1,530,000.00 15.2%
$1,540,000.00 14.9%
$1,550,000.00 14.6%


Sensitivity Analysis
Los Amigos Apartments

As you perform an analysis, planEASe measures the worth of the investment in terms of rates of return and net present values. Sensitivity Analysis allows you to investigate how these measures vary with a change in one of the assumptions. Any measure may be chosen for the Sensitivity Analysis, and any assumption may be chosen as well. Sensitivity Analysis provides a one page table and graph which describes the relationship between the assumption value and the resulting measure

Holding Period
Rate of Return After Tax

Assumption IRR
1 Year 0.0%
2 Years 0.0%
3 Years 0.0%
4 Years 0.0%
5 Years 4.4%
6 Years 8.1%
7 Years 10.6%
8 Years 12.4%
9 Years 13.7%
10 Years 14.6%


Sensitivity Analysis
Los Amigos Apartments

As you perform an analysis, planEASe measures the worth of the investment in terms of rates of return and net present values. Sensitivity Analysis allows you to investigate how these measures vary with a change in one of the assumptions. Any measure may be chosen for the Sensitivity Analysis, and any assumption may be chosen as well. Sensitivity Analysis provides a one page table and graph which describes the relationship between the assumption value and the resulting measure

1 Bedroom Units Vacancy Factor
Rate of Return After Tax

Assumption IRR
Zero 15.2%
1% 15.1%
2% 14.9%
3% 14.8%
4% 14.7%
5% 14.6%
6% 14.4%
7% 14.3%
8% 14.2%
9% 14.0%
10% 13.9%


Risk Analysis
Los Amigos Apartments

As you perform an analysis, planEASe measures the worth of the investment in terms of rates of return and net present values. Risk Analysis allows you to investigate how these measures vary with a change in one or more of the assumptions. Any measure may be chosen for the Risk Analysis, and any group of assumptions may be chosen as well. Risk Analysis provides a one page table and graph which describes the relationship between the risky assumption values and the variability (or risk) of the resulting measure.

Risk Analysis Assumption Lowest Likely Highest
  Inflation Rate 4% per Year 5% per Year 6% per Year
  Net Capitalization Rate at Sale 9% Net Cap Rate 10% Net Cap Rate 11% Net Cap Rate
  General Vacancy & Credit Loss 3% per Year 7% per Year 10% per Year

Average IRR 9.7%   Lowest IRR 3.1%
Standard Deviation 2.1%   Highest IRR 15.1%

Analysis Assumptions Report
Los Amigos Apartments

produces a report showing (in English) the assumptions used to generate the other reports. It was created with the idea of generating an assumptions report which can be presented to an investor or other concerned party to explain the assumptive basis of the other planEASe reports.

Investment Assumptions
Price of Property   $1,550,000.00
Closing Costs   1% of Property Price
Date of Acquisition   1 January 2001
Holding Period   10 Years
Inflation Rate   5% per Year
Sale Price Method   10% Capitalization of NOI on Sale Date
Selling Costs   7%
Investor's Assumptions
General Vacancy & Credit Loss   Zero
Tax Rate - First Year   31%
Tax Rate - Following Years   31%
Capital Gain Rate   20%
Cost Recovery Recapture Rate   25% - Losses Carried Forward
Present Value Discount Rate Before Debt   12% per Year
Present Value Discount Rate Before Tax   12% per Year
Present Value Discount Rate After Tax   12% per Year
Building Depreciation Assumptions

Demonstrating the application of an 83% Asset-to-Value Ratio. By specifying it this way, we assure that the amount depreciated is adjusted when we vary the purchase price.

Depreciable Amount   83% of Property Price
Depreciable Life   27.5 Years
Depreciation Method   Straight Line
Depreciation Start Date   at Acquisition
Bank of America Loan Assumptions

Demonstrating the application of an 80% Loan-to-Value New Loan. By specifying it this way, we assure that the amount of the loan is adjusted when we vary the purchase price.

Loan Amount   80% of Property Price
Loan Interest Rate   10% Annually
Original Loan Period   30 Years
Loan Origination Date   at Acquisition
Loan Type   Monthly Payments, Amortizing
Loan Points Charged   1.5 Points, Amortized over Loan Life
1 Bedroom Units Revenue Assumptions
Annual Revenue (10 Units @ $328.00/Unit/Month)   $39,360.00
Revenue Start Date   at Acquisition
Revenue Period   Until Projected Sale
Revenue Growth Method   Annual at the Inflation Rate
Management Fee   5%
Vacancy Factor   5%
2 Bedroom Units Revenue Assumptions
Annual Revenue (32 Units @ $410.00/Unit/Month)   $157,440.00
Revenue Start Date   at Acquisition
Revenue Period   Until Projected Sale
Revenue Growth Method   Annual at the Inflation Rate
Management Fee   5%
Vacancy Factor   5%
Laundry Revenue Assumptions
Annual Revenue   $3,600.00
Revenue Start Date   at Acquisition
Revenue Period   Until Projected Sale
Revenue Growth Method   Annual at the Inflation Rate
Management Fee   5%
Vacancy Factor   5%
Property Taxes Expense Assumptions

This California property is subject to Proposition 13, so the amount of property tax is 1.2% of the purchase price. By specifying it this way, we assure that the amount of tax is adjusted when we vary the purchase price.

Annual Expense   1.2% of Property Price
Expense Start Date   at Acquisition
Expense Period   Until Projected Sale
Expense Growth Method   Annual at 2% Annually
Insurance Expense Assumptions
Annual Expense   $3,000.00
Expense Start Date   at Acquisition
Expense Period   Until Projected Sale
Expense Growth Method   Annual at the Inflation Rate
Pool Expense Assumptions
Annual Expense   $1,200.00
Expense Start Date   at Acquisition
Expense Period   Until Projected Sale
Expense Growth Method   Annual at the Inflation Rate
Gardener Expense Assumptions
Annual Expense   $750.00
Expense Start Date   at Acquisition
Expense Period   Until Projected Sale
Expense Growth Method   Annual at the Inflation Rate
Utilities Expense Assumptions
Annual Expense   $4,800.00
Expense Start Date   at Acquisition
Expense Period   Until Projected Sale
Expense Growth Method   Annual at 2% Over Inflation
Resident Manager Expense Assumptions
Annual Expense   $10,000.00
Expense Start Date   at Acquisition
Expense Period   Until Projected Sale
Expense Growth Method   Annual at the Inflation Rate
Maintenance Expense Assumptions
Annual Expense   $3,200.00
Expense Start Date   at Acquisition
Expense Period   Until Projected Sale
Expense Growth Method   Annual at the Inflation Rate
Reserve Expense Assumptions

Reseves may be planned in several ways in planEASe. Here we have planned $3,200 annually to allow for unanticipated additional expenses.

Annual Expense   $3,200.00
Expense Start Date   at Acquisition
Expense Period   Until Projected Sale
Expense Growth Method   Annual at the Inflation Rate
Miscellaneous Expense Assumptions
Annual Expense   $1,200.00
Expense Start Date   at Acquisition
Expense Period   Until Projected Sale
Expense Growth Method   Annual at the Inflation Rate